Friday, November 15, 2013

Health Care in Federal Nepal

In the previous posts we looked at the declarations on health care in the manifestos of four major political parties. There is one commonality that I noticed: all of them want to ensure universal access to health care and especially to the most vulnerable amongst the Nepali citizens. It is a great political consensus to a great cause. We should be grateful to the political parties for this commitment. However, when it comes to specifics of how they are going to achieve it, we are handed a rendezvous with a toddler who happened to gulp down a full glass of his dad's whiskey. While the political commitment to universal access to health care alone is quite a big achievement for the Nepalis, I think, it is still important to debate some of the issues that are largely political concerning how universal access is achieved. I don't know when the proper opportunity for that would be. Because, in all likelihood, even if mechanisms are somehow worked out for universal access to health care it will be devised by experts from WHO, GIZ, DFID, USAID.. with some interspersed odd statements to accommodate outlandish comments from Nepali counterparts (perhaps some bloated bureaucrats). I allow this cynicism about our bureaucrats to run free here because we have rightly lost trust on any of our power holders. Their distance from us, our livelihoods, our problems, our plights is so great that we live in entirely different worlds. They see us as slaves to be tamed, we see them as bloated fat cats to be despised. Enough!

Anyways, this cathartic exercise aside, it would do good if some of the specifics of implementing universal health access enter a reasoned public debate because the health care system will be one of the most important part of our collective society. Besides, any chance of success of the policies devised will depend on how much the public owns the idea.

I was involved, a little while back, on an exercise of dreaming about new health care system for federal Nepal. After discussion with a few friends, colleagues and mentors I had drafted a sketch the primary intent of which was to be used for discussion and debate (not a ready-made prescription). I would like to put it up here since we have indeed invested some ink (or keystrokes!) on this issue in the premises of upcoming election. Any criticisms or comments would be highly welcome.
Health Care in the Federal Structure of Nepal

Nepal’s history of modern health care is short. Scattered health care facilities started being established during the Rana period (1). But these were dependent on the goodwill of autocratic rulers. A short exercise of democracy saw a start of planned health care system development during 1951-1963 which expanded during the Panchayat period as well. A massive expansion of medical colleges and health care institutions started after the democracy in 1990. As it exists now, health care services in Nepal are delivered by an ill-defined mixture of public hospitals, private for-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, medical shops, ayurvedic and traditional practices. Some successes have been impressive, one particularly worth mentioning is an impressive reduction of childhood and maternal mortality despite an ongoing decade long conflict (2). The credit for this achievement is awarded to the community engagement through Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs). But the state-of-affairs, in general, remains poor. Out-of-pocket expenditure accounted for 55% of the total health expenditure in 2006 with government and external development partners spending accounting for the rest (3). The poorest quintile spent 2.4% of household budget in 2008 on health care which turns out to be USD 0.45 per person per month (4). Furthermore, the patterns of diseases are changing. Non-communicable diseases account for a majority of the deaths in Nepal and are projected to grow further (5). These diseases are chronic in nature and demand for a long-term care and monitoring which drain the resources of the patients. In our country where the majority of the cost of health care is borne by out-of-pocket spending this carries a potential to impoverish the population. It thus creates a vicious circle where poverty predisposes to ill-health and ill-health further impoverishes the population.

We are thus at a juncture where the question of addressing the health care issue is central to the overall development and stability of our society. Even our short history of modern health care offers examples of successes and failures upon which we can draw lessons. In addition, we have to learn from the world experience with an open mind to draw the right conclusions.

This document attempts to envision a health system for the future Nepal.

1.       Defining health for Nepali health care system:
In 1946, World Health Organization defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Transformative as it was for its time, its absoluteness is increasingly being recognized as a limitation. A proposed alternative definition of the health is “an ability to adapt and to self-manage.”(6)

We recognize this debate and lean towards the practically achievable aspect of the notion of health which can guide the philosophy of national health care system. Implicit in this positive definition of health is a state of suffering that happens with the lack of health. It is this suffering that concerns our philosophy of health care in Nepal. Most of the times, these sufferings will be easily recognizable. At other times, it may not be as clear. We recognize that our responsibility lies with acting effectively when the state of suffering is clear and build a genuine mechanism for debate and solutions when they are not as clear. 

2.       Health as a moral responsibility of the nation:
Interim constitution of Nepal 2007 mentions, “Every citizen shall have the right to get basic health service free of cost from the State as provided for in the law.”  While it is indeed appealing to endorse health care as a fundamental right, it unfortunately does not guarantee an effective service.  An obvious question is: what is basic health service? When these decisions are being made based on the rights based approach an empathetic element to health care gets sidelined. We believe in a better society which believes in a moral obligation to help those suffering within the society. We thus believe that it is the moral responsibility of the nation to provide health care services that tends to the suffering of its people.

3.       Health as a central issue in development
In our struggling economy, changing disease burden carry a potential to impede the economic development especially because they affect the productive segment of the population (7). More importantly, these diseases appear as markers of social pathologies. Why someone gets sick is determined by factors that extend beyond the biological processes. These are called social determinants of health and play a large role in disease predisposition (Figure 1)(8). The factors like social and political context, social position determine the health and well being. A child’s chances of living, having diseases and dying of diseases are largely different if she is borne in remote Jajarkot or in urban Kathmandu.  Furthermore, once someone gets the disease the outcome for that person is determined by many social factors including access to health care, affordability, quality of health care institutions, trust and relationship with health care institutions. 
Any effective strategy to address the health issues needs to address the social, political issues and thus spans across multiple developmental sectors. Health of the society thus reflects the social development of that society. Given this direct link, we view health as a central issue to the development of our nation.

4.       Guiding principles for the health care services delivery structure
Guided by the moral obligation to tend to the suffering of her people, these will be the principles for the design of our health care systems:
  •           Care of the poor, destitute, marginalized, disabled in the society will take a precedence with an overarching goal of universal coverage, equity and fairness
  •           Government will be the payer for the health care and will be committed to ensuring financial sustainability
  •           Bureaucracy will be lean but efficient and accountable
  •           Health care delivery will be decentralized
  •           Patient safety and quality of care will be prioritized
  •          Communities and individuals will be empowered in health care delivery structures
  •           Involvement of women will be emphasized in health care delivery
  •           Systems will be able to constantly learn from outcomes and progress

5.       Identifying the health priorities for the federal states
a.       Federal government’s role
Federal government will be fully responsible for the primary health care. A federal mechanism that includes representatives from the federal government, state governments, public health experts, clinical experts and civil society leaders will be established to recommend the elements that will be covered by the primary health care based on the national population health priorities.

In addition, population-health will also be a primary responsibility of the federal government. It will lead the population health departments of the state governments.

b.       State government’s role in identifying health priorities
State governments will have significant role in designing the content of the primary health care. Beyond that, state governments will have an unlimited flexibility in adding services to their state health programs in addition to what are already supported by the federal government.

6.       National health care database
The state governments bear the responsibility for maintaining a state level health database system specified by the federal government. The federal government will establish a national health care database by obtaining the required elements from state government databases.

7.       Health care service delivery
a.       Model of health care system
The health care system will be publicly funded (by federal government), administered by federal and state governments and health care services delivered through private providers.

b.       Financing of health care
A universal coverage of essential health care services will be provided. However, financial sustainability of these efforts will be given an utmost priority. A task force will be created to recommend a model of health care financing that would be applicable to our context.

c.       Organization of health care
The federal government will be primarily involved with financing, oversight and price control. The state governments will be involved with the administration of health care delivery structures at state level. Health care services will be delivered primarily through private providers who are paid by the national insurance scheme administered through the state government. This will include emergency care, hospital care, long-term care, outpatient care, and prescription drugs. However, primary care services and population health services will be mandated to be run by the state governments.

d.       Oversight of the health care system
Federal government will establish mechanisms to regulate prices (essential drugs, technologies). It will also create mechanisms to monitor corruption in the use of universal health coverage. Federal government will also create a national accreditation mechanism for health care institutions.

e.       Community engagement
Community engagement will be given a high priority in the delivery of primary health care services. The work done by FCHVs, outreach clinics and immunization programs has made a significant change in the health outcomes of our country. The community’s role in these efforts will be expanded. Individuals with high-school level of education will be recruited from the communities, given short-term trainings to deliver primary health care services including immunizations, behavioral risk factor counseling, basic health screening services, maternal and child health care services.

f.        Human resources
It will primarily be under the purview of the states to develop human resources for health. At the federal level, appropriate support mechanisms will be created to help states develop their human resource needs.

g.       Intersectoral collaboration
As the determinants of health span across multiple sectors, it is important to get multiple sectors on board to effect a meaningful outcome. All the policies at the state level will be mandated to undergo a “Health Impact Assessment”. A guideline will be developed by the federal government on performing health impact assessment. If concerns are raised from this assessment, department of health at the state level will provide technical assistance to address the health concerns related to these new policies.

h.       Implementation and monitoring
State governments will have a primary role in the implementation of the health care programs. It will be involved in administering the national health insurance scheme at the national level, organizing primary health care, coordinating and working along with federal government for population health issues, creating environment for the private providers to open up health care delivery structures. States will be required to create their monitoring mechanisms for the implementation of these programs and also the outcomes.

i.         Accreditation and monitoring of health care delivery institutions
In order to ensure basic minimal quality of care and consistency in care across the nation an independent national accreditation board of health care institutions will be created. This board will be autonomous that functions on an evidence-based objective accreditation system.

j.         Safety of health care: drug safety, patient safety
An independent drug safety board will be established that will monitor the safety of any new drugs or medical devices being introduced to the country. In addition, this board will investigate any issues related to safety of drugs and devices within the country.

Patient safety issues will be addressed at the state level by the regulation and licensing authority of the state.

k.       Non-allopathic practices
Non-allopathic practices will be allowed in the country. However, unless they have undergone scientific evaluation on efficacy and safety they will not be reimbursed by the federal government.

8.                   Ethics of practice of health care
We believe that the profession bears the moral responsibility for an ethical practice of health care. Accordingly, the violations of ethical conduct in the profession should be first taken upon by the profession itself. For this, ethical boards will be created in each federal states and a central ethics board. The representatives in these boards will be elected by the members of the profession. These boards will be required to have utmost transparency in their conduct of operations.

1.        Marasini B. Health and hospitals development in Nepal: past and present. Journal of Nepal Medical Association. 2003;42:306–11.
2.        World Health Organization. Global Health Observatory [Internet]. [cited 2013 Jan 5]. Available from:
3.        Government of Nepal. Ministry of Health and Population. Nepal Health Sector Programme- Implementation Plan II(NHSP-IP 2). 2010;
4.        Nepal Rastra Bank. Household Budget Survey. 2008;
5.        NCD Country Profiles, 2011 [Internet]. [cited 2013 Jan 5]. Available from:
6.        Huber M, Knottnerus J a., Green L, Horst HVD, Jadad a. R, Kromhout D, et al. How should we define health? British Medical Journal. 2011 Jul 26;343(jul26 2):d4163–d4163.
7.        World Health Organization. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases. 2010.
8.        CSDH. Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. World Health Organization, Geneva.; 2008.

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